2011年4月22日 星期五


Easter is a special holiday in spring. Easter is also an annual festival that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is celebrated on a Sunday between March 22 and April 25.

Good Friday is the Friday before Easter Sunday and marks the date Jesus was crucified and died for the sins of people. Jesus came to life again three days later. It was on Sunday.

Today, Christians go to church and have a special service on Easter Sunday. Many people sing and pray on Easter Sunday. They think about new life in Heaven after death. It is a very happy day. Flowers, eggs, lambs, chickens and rabbits are all symbols of Easter. They are all symbols of new life.

In some place, people celebrate Easter by wearing new, brightly colored clothes in an “Easter Parade”. Children like the Easter Bunny. The tradition of the Easter Bunny was brought to America by German immigrants in 1700's. The Easter Bunny visit children and hide colored eggs that the children have to find on Easter Sunday morning. On Easter Sunday evening, children eat a big dinner with their families
在某些城市裡,人們會穿上鮮豔的新衣參加復活節的遊行,孩子們喜歡復活節兔以及他的糖果籃,因為復活節兔喜歡將他的藍子裝滿了彩蛋和糖果,接著,在復活節前夕,復活節兔會把彩蛋和糖果藏在許多不同的地方,在復活節的早上,孩子們就可以尋找彩蛋和糖果,在復活節的晚上,孩子們會和家人一起享用復活節盛宴。 Easter bunny - 復活節兔寶寶
Easter egg - 彩蛋
Easter egg hunt (or Egg hunt) - 彩蛋尋寶
reborn- 從生
Chocolate Easter eggs - 巧克力彩蛋 (小朋友的最愛!)
chick - 小雞
grass - 草叢 (蛋都藏在裡面)
dye - 染料 (染彩蛋的)
nest - 巢
basket - 籃子 (放彩蛋的)
Spring - 春天
Easter Sunday - 復活節星期天 (因為復活節都是在星期天)
Easter parade - 復活節遊行

